Saturday, January 11, 2014

Changing goals, and quality not quantity

During NaNoWriMo, a lot of us focus on quantity first and first most and not quality, although for some of us, the first can also lead to the second. But sadly, that is not the case with me.

Right now I'm trying to write the second draft of a 91,023 word novel. The first draft was just...*shudders*. Bleh. It had its moments, but overall lots of it was trashed. I tried outlining this before I rewrote it again, but I failed utterly. But now, I'm still floundering about with it.

My goal this month was 60k new words for this draft, but I decided to change it to 25k. For me, focusing on quantity doesn't seem to bring out quality (y'all know this. Some of y'all have read my drafts.), so I need to take things a bit slower and focus on taking things chapter by chapter. Focusing more on progression of plot and making sure everything flows smoothly.

So, yeah, it's hard for a demon-speed fingered NaNoWriMo writer to take things so slowly, but I'm hoping this will have better results in the long run.


  1. Some people can write and edit fast, and others take a slower pace. You gotta do what's best for you and your writing. Good luck.

  2. I learned a while ago that watching the numbers stops me up. I can't do it. So I focus on this: ONE WORD IS PROGRESS! :D

  3. Everyone has a different process, that's just the way writing works. There's no use forcing it - write slower if that's what your process is demanding. Good luck with it - and remember, even a little bit is progress.

  4. Focusing on quality has always paid off for me. If I go too fast, it is a waste in the end. That's why I quit NANO this year. I was happy with the 25K of solid, researched, well-written words that were much more satisfying for me at the end of November. So I applaud you goal to lessen words and increase quality! You will be grateful at the end of the month.
